
What is required if I am to perform hot work at a temporary work site?
Swedish insurance companies require those who will perform hot work posing a fire hazard at a temporary work site (hot work operatives) and those who will assume the role of fire-watcher or issue permits to possess the requisite knowledge and to hold a valid certificate. This means that you must have undergone a one-day training course where you are informed, among other things, about the safety rules for hot work posing a fire hazard at a temporary work site. An authorisation training with any of the Swedish Fire Protection Association’s quality-reviewed organisers will result in a Heta Arbeten® certificate. The certificate demonstrates that you have the correct knowledge and authorisation to carry out the hot work in a fire-safe way.


Where can I find a Heta Arbeten® training course?
You can find Heta Arbeten® training course providers all over Sweden. Find a training session here!


What does Heta Arbeten® training consist of?
It has both a theoretical and a practical part. The practical part involves you carrying out a firefighting exercise.


Does it cost anything to add my certificate to the ID06 Skills Database?
No, registration in the ID06 Skills Database is free for everyone with a Heta Arbeten® certificate. The Swedish Fire Protection Association has an agreement with ID06 and is responsible for the administration and cost of registration.