App Heta Arbeten®

What is the Heta Arbeten® app?
The Heta Arbeten® app is designed to be used for support and as a tool in the hot work operative’s everyday work, both during and after training. Download it on your smartphone and perform your certification and then you will always have access to the latest news and features at the mere click of a button.

How do I download the app?
Navigate to in your smartphone’s browser, log in and download the app to your start screen. The login details are the same as you used for My pages. This is a so-called online app and is downloaded via the address above, NOT via Google Play or App Store.

Here you can find films with simple instructional showing how to download the app to your mobile home screen.

What can I as a hot work operative do in the app?
With the app you will always have access to:

  • your digital certificate, which is always available off-line;
  • the ID06 competence Database where you can register your certificate;
  • the digital permit list, which facilitates, guides and supports you when issuing permits; and
  • Knowledge Bank, where you will find more in-depth and searchable information.

Knowledge Bank what is it?
The Knowledge Bank is a part of the Heta Arbeten® app. Here you will find in-depth and searchable information, such as:

  • Heta Arbeten® safety rules
  • Issuing permits
  • Hot work team
  • Risk assessment
  • Fire science
  • Laws and rules

Read more about the Knowledge Bank here. 

Does it cost anything to use the Heta Arbeten® app?
No, the app is completely free. Anyone who has a Heta Arbeten® certificate can download and use the app.

Do I need to have a Heta Arbeten® certificate to download the app?
You can download the app only once you have logged in. You can log in when:

  1. you have a valid Heta Arbeten® certificate or
  2. when the training instructor has marked you as ready to take your certification test.

I have forgotten my password, what should I do?
If you have a certificate, you already have an account in the app. If you cannot remember your password, you can reset it by following the “I have forgotten my password” link.

Please note that the password must be at least eight characters long and contain characters from at least three of the following character groups:

Lower case letters: a–ö (Swedish), a–z (English)
Uppercase letter: A–Z
Numbers: 0–9
!Special characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~

How do I know if I have a valid Heta Arbeten® certificate?
You can search our database of all valid certificates. Search for a valid certificate here.

What can I do in the digital permit list?
The digital permit list has many functions that facilitate and guide you through the permit issuing process and increase safety at the work site. Here you can do things such as:

  • find and check valid Heta Arbeten® certificates by automatically searching the database;
  • add other certificates* for hot work posing a fire hazard at a temporary work site in the role of hot work operative or fire-watcher;
  • store all permits digitally;
  • easily switch between languages; and
  • document the work with images.

If you use the digital permit list, you can be sure that you are always using the latest version of the permit/checklist for Heta Arbeten®. You can find out more about the digital permit list here.

*The Swedish Fire Protection Association is responsible for the authorisation and skills only of people who have undergone the Heta Arbeten® authorisation training.

How do I add another certificate to the digital permit/checklist?Another certificate can manually be added by the permit issuer when the permit is started. Another certificate can be added to the hot work operative or fire-watcher roles. In the digital permit list, select “Another certificate” and then country, then register the necessary details. The next time the same person will be part of the hot work team, you can easily find that person via the most recently used hot work operative function.

Who is responsible for ensuring the person’s skills when this is added to the digital permit/checklist?
It is the permit issuer and, by extension, the client who are responsible for hiring staff with the correct authorisation and skills.

The Swedish Fire Protection Association is responsible for the authorisation only of people who have undergone the Heta Arbeten® authorisation training®. These certificates can easily be searched for in the digital permit list.

Who can add another certificate to the digital permit/checklist?
A person who has a Heta Arbeten® certificate and is a permit issuer for the work can start the permit and add hot work operatives or fire-watchers with another certificate.

What information is needed to add another certificate to the digital permit/checklist?
The information needed to add another certificate appears clearly in the digital permit list and consists of surname, first name, date of birth, telephone number, certificate ID and validity period.